Back-to-back shootings in California, Washington, and Iowa leave communities grieving.

At least 70 people have been killed in mass shootings across the United States so far this year Firearm injuries are now the leading cause of death among people younger than 24 in the United States, according to a study published in the December 2022 edition of Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. At least 70 people have been killed in mass shootings across the United States so far this year, according to data collected by the Gun Violence Archive (GVA). In the latest incident on Monday, seven people were killed and one critically injured in two related shootings at agricultural facilities in a coastal community in northern California. The shooting took place less than 48 hours after a man killed 11 people during a Lunar New Year celebration near Los Angeles, California on Saturday night. WK News, Sacramento.